AI odborníci, akademici, vzdělávání, široká veřejnost

Deep Layers 2024 II.

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Deep Layers forum will serve as a place to connect people, share knowledge, compare approaches and see how specific model architectures can help to solve particular tasks. The meeting is organized by a scientific group of Artificial Intelligence and Medical Technologies with the support of the Brno.AI cluster and with the financial support of Strategie AV21.

The forum is free of charge, but registration is needed due to the limited number of seats.

This is day two of a two-day event. You can attend both days or just one.


AI applications (9:00 - 15:00, coffee breaks and lunch provided)

Some of the lecture topics you can look forward to:

Aireen: Medical Device Development Methodology (detection of diabetic retinopathy)

TESCAN: Enhancing Transmission Electron Microscopy with AI/ML: Practical Applications and Integration

ISI CAS: Prediction of Atrail Fibrillation from overnight Polysomnograms

ISI CAS: Graph neural networks for automated planning of Eplilepsy Surgery

Citymind solutions: AI agents with RAG: Retrieval-Augmented Generation

IT4Innovations: The computing center at IT4I

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Dny AI 2024